Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

Life Spring Omega 3 Fish oil 1000mg 360 Capsules


99, 90% kepuasan pelanggan

menurunkan tekanan darah dan mengurangi risiko penyakit

• untuk meningkatkan kesehatan secara keseluruhan dan merawat kondisi

minyak Ikan sekarang diyakini meningkatkan kesehatan secara keseluruhan
dan merawat kondisi kesehatan.

Sumber terbaik adalah ikan seperti

salmon, tuna, ikan dan udang. Bagi kebanyakan orang, itu sudah cukup
untuk meningkatkan konsumsi ikan dan makanan laut untuk mencapai manfaat
dari minyak ikan dalam bentuk alami, tanpa mengonsumsi suplemen.

Orang yang menderita arthritis atau psoriasis dapat mengonsumsi minyak ikan
hingga 4g suplemen setiap hari dengan pengawasan dokter.

Bahan - Bahan Aktif:

Setiap kapsul mengandung: Minyak ikan 1000mg-Alam, Eicosapentaenoic
asam ( EPA) 180mg, asam Docosahexaenoic ( EPA) 120mg.

Apakah anda mengkonsumsi IKAN , Minyak IKAN adalah lemak baik yang bisa membantu membersihkan lemak jahat yang berisi cholesterol . Produk minyak ikan ini terkenal dan  diketahui kapsul minyak ikan salmon . Penting untuk orang yang telah berumur 40 tahun , bisa mengurangi sakit persendian . Anda akan lebih sehat hanya mengkonsumsi 1-2 kapsul minyak ikan perhari...

Seperti yang Anda tahu multi vitamin alami dari minyak ikan salmon akan meningkatkan Fungsi tubuh manusia. Terbuat dari MINYAK Ikan salmon
Dengan ukuran besar, 360 kapsul.setara dengan nilai uang. Untuk menjaga salah satu yang anda
cintai, produk ini & ukurannya sangatlah berharga.

Life-Spring Omega3 ingredients

Life Spring Omega 3 (1000mg) - 360 Capsules

Salmon oil is a valuable source of omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Eicosapentaenoic acid and Docosahexaenoic acid. These fatty acids help maintain eyes, skin and hair. It may assist in relief of minor skin complaints.

Each capsule contains:

  1. Fish Oil -Natural 1000mg
  2. Eicosapentaenoic acid 180mg
  3. Docosahexaenoic acid 120mg

Recommend adult dosage:

Take one to three capsules daily or as directed by a physician, no added sugar, starch, yeast, salt or artificial coloring.

Asam Lemak Omega 3

Omega 3, pernahkah anda mendengar kata omega 3. Menurut berbagai sumber, omega 3 adalah jenis lemak terbaik untuk menjadi bagian hidup sehat. Omega-3 belakangan mendapat perhatian besar dari para ahli kesehatan. Zat gizi itu ternyata berperan vital dalam mendukung kesehatan serta mencegah munculnya penyakit degeneratif. Penelitian terbaru bahkan menunjukkan, peran omega-3 sejak dari janin dalam kandungan diperlukan pada proses tumbuh sel-sel otak dan kecerdasan anak. ( decacare ).

Omega 3 sekarang menjadi populer seiring perkembangan dunia kesehatan. Sebagai contoh Asam lemak omega 3 saat ini telah banyak di tambahkan dalam makanan dan susu.

Yang menjadi pertanyaan selanjutnya apakah manfaat dan sumber omega 3. Baiklah akan kita bahas satu persatu.

Adapun sumber makanan penghasil omega 3 yang harus kita ketahui :

1. Jenis ikan.

Ikan kaya akan omega-3 tetapi rendah omega-6. Ikan ini merupakan sumber omega-3 terbaik yang bisa Anda pilih. Diantaranya ikan salmon, ikan tuna, ikan tenggiri.

2. Binatang berkulit keras.

Udang, kerang, serta kepiting juga kaya omega-3 serta membuat Anda tidak akan didominasi omega-6.

3. Kacang-kacangan dan biji-bijian.

Beberapa jenis kacang polong merupakan pilihan yang lebih bagus dibandingkan jenis lainnya untuk menyeimbangkan kadar omega-3 di tubuh Anda.

4. Sayuran.

Bayam kaya omega-3. Konsumsi bayam sangat baik, disamping sayuran hijau ini kaya zat besi. Bayam juga kaya akan omega 3. Selai bayam omega 3 juga banyak terdapat di labu dan brokoli.

5. Buah-buahan.

Disamping ke 4 macam diatas di dalam buah-buahan juga banyak mengandung omega 3 seperti buah Labu, Pepaya.

Omega 3 bermanfaat sebagai menjaga kesehatan jantung, mengatasi nyeri, membantu melangsingkan tubuh anda, kesehatan otak, mencegah kanker. Sebetulnya masih banyak lagi manfaat dari omega 3 ini. Di atas hanya beberapa saja yang saya sarikan dari berbagai sumber. Semoga bermanfaat.

Manfaat OMega3

Omega 3 beberapa tahun terakhir telah diteliti dan disorot oleh berbagai pihak sangat bermanfaat untuk kesehatan. Apa saja manfaat Omega 3? Ini mungkin menjadi pertanyaan bagi beberapa orang.

Sebenarnya begitu banyak banyak manfaat kesehatan yang bisa anda kita dapatkan dari Omega 3

terutama untuk orang dewasa, anak-anak, wanita hamil dan orang yang sedang menderita penyakit.

Berikut ini adalah beberapa manfaat yang bisa anda dapatkan dari mengkonsumsi Omega 3:

Mudah lupa, susah mengingat sesuatu atau pikun merupakan penyakit yang sering diderita oleh para orang tua. Omega 3 sebagai makanan otak sangat penting untuk perkembangan membran sel pada sistem neurologis dari otak kita dan jalur sinyal. Hal ini telah terbukti secara ilmiah bahwa Omega 3 membantu perkembangan otak dan memori untuk anak-anak dan orang dewasa.

Mencegah penyakit jantung. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Omega 3 dapat mencegah penyakit jantung dan penyakit lain yang berhubungan dengan jantung, hal ini dikarenakan Omega 3 meningkatkan elastisitas arterial. Menurunkan resiko aritmia (detak jantung yang abnormal) dan juga tekanan darah tinggi.
Menurunkan kadar kolesterol tinggi. Sebuah Penelitian mengatakan pengkonsumsian ikan yang kaya akan Omega 3 secara teratur terbukti meningkatkan kolesterol baik dan menurunkan kadar trigliserida (lemak dalam darah).

Omega 3 sangat baik untuk kesehatan mata dan penglihatan secara umum, karena Omega 3 merupakan komponen utama dari retina.

Membantu mengurangi depresi. Ini mungkin bermanfaat bagi orang-orang dengan depresi ringan. Dapat meningkatkan efektivitas pengobatan karena mempengaruhi otak dengan cara yang berbeda dari antidepresan, sehingga menggabungkan Omega 3 dengan obat antidepresan, akan mengurangi depresi dengan cara yang berbeda, menurut David Mischoulon, MD, seorang profesor psikiatri dari Harvard Medical School.

Mengurangi risiko pembekuan darah. Omega 3 memiliki sifat antikoagulan yang mempengaruhi kemampuan trombosit untuk membekukan darah, sehingga peredaran darah menjadi lancar dan juga terhindar dari penyumbatan pembuluh darah yang berakibat stroke.
Untuk wanita hamil, Omega 3 telah terbukti bahwa Omega 3 sangat penting dalam perkembangan kesehatan fisik dan mental pada bayi .

Omega 3 dapat mengurangi nyeri haid. Hasil Studi menunjukkan bahwa para wanita yang mengkonsumsi suplemen Omega 3 mengalami berkurangnya rasa nyeri pada saat haid. Kedua jenis Omega 3yaitu asam eicosapentaenoic (EPA) dan asam docosahexaenoic (DHA) diyakini mengurangi tingkat prostaglandin. Tingkat prostaglandin yang tinggi pada wanita selama menstruasi membuat kontraksi rahim meningkat dan kejang otot.

Omega 3 memiliki sifat anti-inflamasi dan juga bermanfaat untuk kondisi seperti asma, psoriasis eksim, dan radang sendi.

Omega 3 sangat baik untuk meningkatkan kesehatan anak secara keseluruhan dan perkembangan fisik dan mental. Hal ini terbukti bahwa anak-anak yang mengkonsumsi Omega 3 sebagai suplemen memiliki kemampuan baca yang lebih baik. Omega 3 juga bermanfaat bagi anak-anak yang menderita disleksia, dyspraxia dan ADHD.

Omega 3 juga dapat mencegah penyakit Alzheimer.

Penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa Omega 3 dapat membantu orang dengan inflamasi perut dengan kondisi seperti IBS, Ulcerative colitis dan colitis.
Orang yang menderita berbagai alergi juga dapat menambahkan suplemen Omega 3 ke dalam makanan mereka sehari-hari.
Bermanfaat untuk diabetes. Sebuah studi penelitian menunjukkan Omega 3 dapat menurunkan trigliserida dan apoproteins, dan tidak ada efek samping pada kontrol glikemik.
Sebuah penelitian yang cermat menunjukkan bahwa pasangan yang sedang merencanakan bayi atau sedang hamil atau sedang menyusui direkomendasikan untuk mengkonsumsi Omega 3 untuk membantu pertumbuhan bayi lebih cepat.
Omega 3 juga berperan dalam tingkat penyerapan vitamin yang larut dalam lemak, seperti vitamin A, D, E dan vitamin K. Vitamin tersebut diperlukan oleh tubuh kita untuk melawan infeksi, menjaga kesehatan mata dan kulit, sirkulasi jantung, pembekuan darah dan kuat tulang.
Meskipun Omega 3 banyak memiliki manfaat kesehatan, tetapi sebuah studi yang dipublikasikan pada tahun 2006 oleh Journal of American Medical Association melaporkan bahwa analisis terhadap berbagai penelitian tidak menemukan bukti bahwa adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara asupan Omega 3 asam lemak dan timbulnya beberapa jenis kanker.

Depresi, kelelahan, kulit kering dan gatal, rambut dan kuku rapuh dan sakit sendi adalah beberapa gejala kekurangan Omega 3 dalam tubuh. Konsumsi Omega 3 yang berlebihan dapat meningkatkan risiko perdarahan dan stroke hemorrhagic. Jadi konsumsilah sesuai dosis yang tepat.

How much Fish do you want to eat?

How much fish do you want to eat?

How much fish is safe to eat is a question that is on the minds of many people, both people who are interested in eating fish for its Omega 3 content as well as people who just like eating fish.

It would seem a silly question really. How much fish should I eat? As much as you want. After all isn’t fish good for you? Doesn’t it contain all those good Omega 3 essential fatty acids?

Unfortunately despite the fact that fish does contain all those healthy Omega 3 fats, there is also a potential downside from eating fish.

The potential downside is that some fish is contaminated with Mercury and PCBs and other industrial toxins.

But should this stop you eating fish? Are the health benefits of eating fish, particularly the health benefits of all those good Omega 3 fats, outweighed by the health risks of eating contaminated fish?

In other words how much fish is safe to eat?

It’s extremely difficult to know how much fish to eat. Obviously it will vary enormously depending on a whole range of different factors.

What type of fish you eat, how often you eat it, where it comes from and much more should all be factored into the equation. It’s a question without a definite answer.

We have recently come across an excellent website called How Much Fish. On the website you can input various factors such as your weight and how much fish you eat in a serving, select your favourite fish or seafood and the site will give you a whole stack of useful information, including how much Omega 3 a serving will provide, how much you will get of other nutrients, and how much you would have to eat before you were at risk from any contamination.

For instance I selected a weight of 140 lbs, indicated that I would eat 3 ounces of fish in a serving, and selected Pacific Jack Mackerel as my fish of choice. The result tells me that I will be getting 1.57 grams of Omega 3 which is 314% of my daily requirements.

And it also tells me that unless I eat more than 178 ounces of Jack Mackerel I don’t need to be worried about Mercury contamination.

Of course all these things are a little fluid, there’s really no way to specify these details 100% accurately, however this is probably the best way that we’ve seen to find out more about how much you should eat of various fish.

None of this will be strictly accurate for a number of reasons. For instance the website specifies that 3 ounces of Pacific Jack Mackerel would provide 314% of my daily requirements for Omega 3, or what the website called “daily need”.

As there are no generally recognized dosage requirements for Omega 3, and no universally recognized recommended daily intake figures, this is a little uncertain, but probably as accurate as anything. (So the website uses the RDI from the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids figure of 500 mg of Omega 3 per day.)

And we have also seen various disagreements about the amount of Omega 3 in some types of fish as well, so that may not be 100% accurate.

The overall message seems to be however that whilst it is true that there are concerns about toxic contamination of fish, you would need to eat quite a lot before you should really be worried. The calculations on the website, it says, are based on the mercury standards from the Food and Drug Administration and Environmental Protection Agency.

Note however that this is slightly different if you’re pregnant, and the website does give specific advice to pregnant women, as well as recognizing the importance of eating fish for pregnant women as well.

So if you’re asking yourself how much fish to eat, or how much fish is safe, head over to How Much Fish and see what they say about the particular fish you’re thinking of eating tonight.

Omega 3

Find the highest quality Omega 3 supplements

It’s true to say that many of the “alternative” health claims made for a wide range of cures, herbal treatments and supplements and more are much more hype than substance. Many of the claims made for even well-known alternative supplements are not backed up by science and are not supported by mainstream medicine.

However that is not true for claims made about the health benefits of the Omega 3 fatty acids. Gradually, as science has begun to research the importance of the Omega 3 fatty acids to our health, more and more solid scientific evidence has mounted to support the conclusion that the Omega 3 essential fatty acids are extremely important to our good health.
Medicine and “Alternative” medicine agree

And what is even more interesting is that both mainstream medicine and alternative medical sources agree on the conclusion that we should all have an adequate supply of the Omega 3 fats DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) in our diet for optimum health.

This is rare. I’m sure you’ve seen on many occasions that mainstream medical sources are very quick to dump on any claims made for the curative benefits of a whole range of herbal and other alternative treatments. But this isn’t the case for the Omega 3 fats.

There is a long and growing body of evidence that most of us are deficient in our intake of the Omega 3 fats, and that this deficiency is causing or exacerbating a wide range of lifestyle diseases that seem to afflict so many of us in these modern times.
Omega 3 deficiency is quite serious, and can kill you

There are now health experts who consider that an inadequate supply of the Omega 3 fats in our diet is one of the most serious health issues confronting our generation. And studies are showing that a low level of the Omega 3 fatty acids in our diet is as serious a health problem as other high risk issues like a high intake of the trans fats, or a low intake of fruit and vegetables, or the use of alcohol.

In particular there is now extremely solid research supporting the heart health benefits of a higher intake of the Omega3 fats. The American Heart Association, on its website, urges us all to maintain a minimum intake of these essential fatty acids for the benefit of our heart, and evidence is clearly showing that a deficiency of these essential fatty acids can increase our risk of stroke and heart attack and even death.

Evidence is showing that more Omega3 in the diet can help reduce high triglycerides which are also a risk factor for heart disease and death.

But it doesn’t just stop with heart health. There is growing evidence that an inadequate intake of the essential fatty acids can also be a risk factor in a wide range of other health issues. For example it is now well known that DHA, the most important of the Omega 3 fats, is the most prevalent fat in our brain, and that an adequate supply of DHA may well influence the development of cognitive abilities in infants as well as improve the memory for older people.

DHA is also particularly prevalent in the retina in the eye, and evidence is also showing that an adequate supply of DHA in the diet helps with the development of childhood vision as well as helps protect the elderly from the most common cause of blindness amongst older people, macular degeneration.

The essential fatty acids are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. In other words they fight inflammation in the body. Gradually it is becoming recognised that inflammation in the body is one of the major causes of so many of our lifestyle diseases. Of course there are other anti-inflammatories, mainly drugs. However the Omega3 fats, whilst being an effective anti-inflammatory, have no significant health side effects, unlike many of the anti-inflammatory drugs available.

In fact the range of health conditions which may be either prevented or positively impacted by increasing the amount of Omega 3 in the diet is enormous. In some cases the evidence to support this conclusion is overwhelming, for example in the case of heart health, and in some cases it is still not fully clear whether or not more Omega3 in the diet will help prevent or ameliorate the condition. In the case of many of these health conditions scientific research is ongoing.

There’s many conditions that may be prevented by more Omega 3 in the diet

We do not intend to list on this page all of the health conditions which research is showing may be benefit from more Omega 3. You can see a list of these conditions on the right of our website, and if you’d like to find out more about any particular health condition benefited by increasing the intake of Omega3 then please click on the link.
So why is this so?

Why is it that so many of us now seem to be suffering from Omega3 deficiency? Is it just because modern science has only recently discovered the Omega3 fatty acids?

Research on the benefits of the Omega3 fats began when scientists began to realise that populations of people who ate a lot of fish didn’t exhibit many of the lifestyle diseases that so many of us seem to suffer from.

Research showed that fish were high in the Omega 3 fats, and that eating fish seem to protect us for this reason.

Research has continued to this day, and it is now clear that fish, some more so than others, are our best source of the essential fatty acids.

But modern dietary habits have changed. Now most of us eat very little fish, and hence very little of the Omega 3 fats.

In the past there were other dietary sources of these fats. For example beef had reasonable levels of Omega 3. However in the past our cattle were grass fed, and this is where the Omega 3 in beef came from. Our cattle are now primarily grain fed, and hence very low in Omega 3.

The same applies to chicken and eggs, both of which were higher in Omega 3, but now have very little due to modern farm feeding practices.
So what can you do about this?

Well of course you can eat more fish, however fish are getting increasingly expensive and there is now evidence that Mercury contamination, along with contamination by, amongst others, dioxane and PCBs, is a real issue.
You can take fish oil supplements, though some of these have also been found to be contaminated.

The authors of this website, and their families, take fish oil supplements every day. But only after researching the different brands of fish oil supplements available, the amount of Omega 3 in each supplement, the quality and cleanliness of the supplements as well as the price.

We have made our conclusions about the best fish oil supplements, click there to read that page.

There’s no doubt that many lifestyle diseases are on the rise, and that many of us suffer from conditions which are painful or debilitating or can even kill us, and many of these conditions were rare or even unheard of a century ago.

Could it be that simply increasing your intake of the Omega3 fatty acids could help protect you against these conditions? It’s hard to say in some cases, though not all, but we take our Omega 3 supplements every single day, without fail.

And an update to this, written quite some months later. As time goes by there are more and more scientific reports coming out about the health benefits of the Omega 3 fats for a wide range of specific health conditions, as well as generally.

Science takes a long time to fully investigate the health benefits of anything, including the Omega 3 fats, but gradually there is a growing consensus about the benefits of adding more Omega 3 to your diet.